Original Calcium

Venralei Ravaleth
High-Elf, Paladin Of The Rose, Acolyte, Chaotic Good, Alive
Strength - Upright

Orphaned child of lost elven explorers, raised by the church and given purpose in life as a Paladin of the Rose.
Doing the work of the good, finding companionship in the most unlikely of places, and a romance to rival her own sainthood

Tulan Vysvedryn
Fallen Aasimar, Elder Necromancer, Noble, Lawful Evil, Twice Dead
Magician - Reversed

Once a noble prince of the island in the sky that touched the stars themselves, his own folly caused it to come crashing down upon the realm.
Death could not take him the first time, his will for vengeance too strong for it; in the end it would be the allies he made along the way that would be his undoing

Arkann Vysvedryn
Fallen Aasimar, Monk, Far Traveler, Chaotic Good, Alive
Judgement - Reversed

Illegitimate daughter to the King of Caelum, Eraun Vysvedryn, she and her mother were cast out from the fortress into poverty, she grew up in the slums of Caelum, learning to steal, fight and conceal herself to survive.
In the midst of revolution, caught by her father and forced to witness the execution of her fellow friends and revolutionaries, she was pitched from the edge of the island in the sky down to her death upon the waves below.
Death, however, had other plans for her.

Temple "Unit 01" Forge
Warforged, Cleric, Guild Artisan, Neutral Good, Alive
The Hermit - Reversed

An ancient automaton, bereft of purpose and memory as a result of his unfortunate dormancy.
He wears the milennia that have collected upon him like armor; immovable and unbreakable.

"Prime Directive: shield the weak from those that would abuse their power at any cost."

( Made with Carrd )